Why should I purchase a PV system?

Businesses decide to buy solar energy systems for a variety of reasons. For example, some want to take advantage of the long-term electricity cost reduction. Some are looking for the good return on investment or tax incentives. Some businesses are trying to meet green initiatives established by the corporation. Others are looking to take advantage of green marketing opportunities. PV system can also protect a business from future electricity price increases. PV systems with battery backup technology can cost-effectively provide mission-critical electricity to a company with 24/7 power needs. Oftentimes, it is a combination of two or more of these goals that motivates a business to go solar.

How does solar reduce my operating costs?

A photovoltaic array will decrease the amount of electricity your business purchases from the grid. Because you are producing your own power, you may also decrease demand charges charged by the utilities also. You can also realize income from the green attributes of the power your solar array produces through the sale of SRECs.

How can I get solar with no up-front investment?

CNC Solar offers both capital and operational leasing options, as well as power purchase agreements, requiring little or no money out of pocket. Lease terms are available for as short as seven years. Your end-of-term buyout can be as low as $0. Based on your needs, we secure the best financial solution for your business.

How long do solar arrays last?

Solar panels are warranted to reliably generate electricity for up to 25 years. A PV system that is designed and installed properly will operate for more than 25 years. Many experts believe the actual number could be much higher, possibly as much as 50 years. Solar modules are extremely durable and lose very little of their energy generating capacity over time. This is one of the reasons that they make sense as a long-term investment.The best way to ensure and extend the life and effectiveness of your PV system is by having it installed properly by CNC Solar. Experience has shown that most problems occur because of poor or sloppy system installation. Failed connections, insufficient wire size, components not rated for DC application, and so on, are the main culprits of a malfunction.

I lease my building. Can I still go solar?

Long-term lease holders and building owners with tenants can both go solar and see an excellent return on investment. Our business financing experts know the intricacies of the necessary arrangements to make these scenarios work. We also have expertise in power purchase agreements (PPAs) for building owners that would like to profitably bring the advantages of solar to their tenants.

What are SRECs and how can I turn them into income?

SRECs, or solar renewable energy credits, are legislatively created commodities that local utilities need to purchase from solar owners in order to meet their renewable portfolio standard requirements. Solar owners have a number of ways to sell their SRECs and add this income to their bottom line. Depending upon your risk appetite, we can recommend the best way to sell your SRECs. From selling them all at the outset of the project for one lump sum, to riding the market and selling them as produced in a trade environment, we can guide you through the process.

Can you put solar on a flat roof?

Yes. Most commercial solar electric systems are installed on flat roofs. The solar panels are usually mounted on "tilt-racks" which tilt the panels to the optimum angle.

Do I need to install a new roof before the solar panels are installed?

Solar panels will last at least 25 years. Therefore, you definitely should consider the age of your roof before you install them. If your roof is more than 15 years old you will want to consider replacing your roof before installing a system. However, if your roof is in reasonably good shape go for it. In fact, adding the solar panels will actually reduce the wear and tear on your roof and make it last longer since the solar panels will block ultraviolet rays which can damage roof surfaces and will help to keep snow and ice off your roof.

Can the modules withstand high winds and hail?

Solar modules are very durable and constructed with strong aluminum frames and high strength tempered glass. The panels are supported by our specially designed roof mounting systems and have been tested to withstand winds up to 120 mph (193 kmh). Furthermore, our modules can withstand one inch hailstones (about the size of a golf ball) at 50 mph (80.5 kmh).

When there's a power outage, will I still be able to use power from my solar array?

Most grid-connected systems do not operate during power outages, because of anti-islanding laws in place to protect electrical workers. If you have a need for power supply 24/7, we can design and deploy a system with a battery array to meet mission-critical needs.

How does the weather affect solar array production?

Solar panels will continue to operate under fog or cloud cover but its output will be reduced. The solar electric system's power output is relative to the "depth" of the cloud cover and how much light is passing through the clouds.When solar panels are covered by snow, sunlight will penetrate thin layers of snow and the snow will usually melt fairly quickly off your solar panels.Varying weather conditions are accounted for when we estimate your annual energy production.